Testing Services

Trusted expert QA and software testing services for web & mobile apps using manual & automated testing methods & best-practices.

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Trusted expert QA and software testing services for web & mobile apps using manual & automated testing methods & best-practices.

They say no real-world software is 100% free of bugs or issues. The best one can do is test thoroughly and fix the issues found. You need a highly trained and focused software quality assurance testing team you can trust to do that. We at DJN are that team.

Quality Assurance (QA) Testing Services

DJN has world-class professional software testing services for our global clients, from a bootstrapped startup to a large enterprise.

Managed Testing Services

Integrate our Quality Assurance Testers into your software development lifecycle for embedded quality assurance testing using either our world-class testing processes or your internal processes.

Project Specific Testing

Put a specific project or module through its paces with independent, project-specific testing choosing the necessary types of tests from our range of offered testing services.

Quality Audit

Customise the requirements and get a one-time quality audit of your project or environment from our software quality assurance testing professionals.

Test Cases Production

Enable your development team with high-quality test cases written by our professional software quality assurance testers.

Types of Testing

DJN Quality Assurance Testers provide high-quality testing services for the following types of testing:

  • Functional Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Automated Testing
  • Configuration Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Load and Stress Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • UI Testing
  • Cross-Platform Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Localization Testing
  • Internationalization Testing
  • Data Migration Testing
  • Code Review Testing
  • Network Speed Testing


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