Cloud Computing

BI & Data Warehousing


  • Design infrastructure in Azure for high availability, scalability and security
  • Develop and deploy infrastructure in Azure with Terraform(Infrastructure as Code) Scripts and ARM Templates
  • Monitor and maintain infrastructure in Azure

Amazon web services:

  • Design infrastructure in AWS for high availability, scalability and security
  • Develop and deploy infrastructure in AWS with Terraform(Infrastructure as Code) Scripts
  • Monitor and maintain infrastructure in AWS

Azure Cloud Expertise

  • Serverless applications using Azure function apps
  • Alerts for monitoring the application health and availability
  • Setting up role based access control using Azure AD
  • Data backups and replication including geo-redundancy
  • CI pipelines to create builds and execution of automated tests
  • CD pipelines to deploy the build artifacts in multiple environments like QA, Staging, Production
  • Azure DNS to map custom domains to Azure resources
  • Provisioning and renewals of SSL certificates
  • OS patch application on VMs

Infrastructure as Code to provision and manage customer environments in specified data center with resources like

  • VMs in availability sets or scale sets.
  • Azure virtual network and network security group.
  • Application gateway or public/private load balancers as needed.
  • Azure VPN for communication with on-premise resources.
  • Azure SQL Server as managed RDBMS.
  • Azure Cosmos DB as NoSQL database.
  • Azure Key Vault to manage secrets and SSL certificates.
  • Azure Blob storage for file storage.
  • Azure CDN for content delivery.

AWS Cloud Expertise

  • Manage access to resources through IAM
  • API Gateway and AWS Lambda
  • CloudFront for CDN
  • Map custom domains using Route53
  • Data backups and replication including geo-redundancy

Infrastructure as Code to provision and manage customer environments in specified data center with resources like

  • EC2 for VMs in availability zones.
  • Amazon S3 for objects storage.
  • AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and subnets for all resources.
  • Network ACLs and security groups.
  • AWS ELB for load balancing.
  • AWS RDS and DynomoDB tables
  • AWS Secrets Manager to control access to secrets such as database credentials, API keys and OAuth tokens.
  • CloudWatch alarms for monitoring the application health


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